The climate data and insights landscape is rapidly evolving as the world recognizes the need to act against global warming. As the space becomes more crowded, we want S&P Global Sustainable1 to stand apart as a leader in climate-related solutions.

Nearly 70% of the world’s economy has signed up for net zero targets. However, there is no clarity as to how countries and businesses will achieve this 2050 goal and many lack an understanding of what tools are available to them to understand the risks, challenges, and costs to transition to net zero.

Key Message
The transition to net zero is perhaps the biggest challenge financial markets have ever faced. There is no clear pathway for any market participant, and every journey will be unique. S&P Global Sustainable1 sees the transition through the lens of risk and opportunity. Our essential data intelligence, tools and insight inform the entire global investment chain, uncovering the challenges, the costs, and the opportunities to successfully navigate to net zero.

Reason Why
− Our essential data intelligence uncovers blind spots on climate risk throughout global business operations, supply chains and multi-asset investment portfolios to build resilience and reveal new market opportunities
− Our energy transition pathways provide insight and projections to gain a comprehensive view of where the move to sustainable energy is and where it’s headed
− Our net zero market benchmarks guide the alignment of investment strategies with net zero goals
− Our analyst opinions inform sustainable financing to finance net zero ambitio
My Role:
Concept Developments
Visual Design

The Team:
Laura F. (ACD)
Yu (AD)
Steve L. (Copywriting)
The campaign video was produced by providing art direction and collaborating with an external agency.
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