To capitalize on S&P Global Ratings business’ inaugural year in the China market, S&P Global as an enterprise had an opportunity to host a day-long invite-only forum featuring the company and its divisions. With a variety of speakers, topics and discussions pertaining to the China market this event was a key opportunity to profile S&P Global and its financial intelligence and strength through each of its unique divisions. 
My responsibilities included concept developments, execution of the concepts and establishing a look and feel to provide design directions to a local agency that translated the language to Chinese and put the look and feel into production and installation.
400 attended the event and 137 marketing-qualified leads were indicated. The forum achieved an overall rating of 4.5 in a 5-point scale (with 5 being excellent), based on 146 survey responses received – this was the highest rating that we have received for our hosted event.
My Role:
Concept Developments
Visual Design

The Team:
Valerie T. (CD)
Yu (AD)
Clare W. (Project Management)
Reception Wall
Booth for S&P Global Ratings
Booth for S&P Global Dow Jones Indices
Stage 1
Main Stage
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