With new integrated product architecture and additional audience segments, there was an opportunity to rename the existing Platts Platform to meet our evolving objectives as a business. The newly named Platts Dimensions Pro, a single source destination, offers users a fully integrated view of all energy and cross-commodity price assessments, news, insights, content, and analytics streamlined to guide users through whatever they are trying to achieve.
To build excitement and momentum among users, prospects, and employees, as well as to signal the new key elements the platform offers, the stakeholders needed an internal and external teaser campaign.
My Role:
Concept Developments
Visual Design

The Team:
Laura F. (ACD)
Yu (AD)
Steve L. (Copywriting)

Earlier Exploration

Final Design Concept

Platts Dimensions Pro campaign won the 2022 Crystal Award for the category of Rebranding a Corporate Campaign.
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