Product catalog design system, photo style, sales manuals, sales tools.
Client: Hino Motors, Inc.
Look & Feel Overview
Our plan was to incorporate three elements: the Hino brand red, the Japanese idea of cultural transparency, and reflections of people and the environment.
Hino Motors Product Catalogue 300, 500 and 700 Series
Product Catalogue Design Guidelines
Detailed product guidelines were created for distribution to the overseas offices of Hino Motors in order to maintain layout consistency when localizing their product catalogs.
Product Catalogue Design Guidelines
Detailed product guidelines were created for distribution to the overseas offices of Hino Motors in order to maintain layout consistency when localizing their product catalogs.
A new photo style for 210 Series
Transform catalog with new “in action” and “at work” photos of the product to communicate realism and vibrancy. Replace previous in-studio still shots with working people and their surroundings to tell the Hino product story throughout the catalog,
Images for 210 Series
Directed photoshoot based on the catalog’s new photo style
Sales manuals for 700 Heavy-Duty, 500 Medium-Duty and 300 Light-Duty Series
Poster, brochure, and retail display for Hino Motors Parts and Service
Poster, brochure, and retail display for Hino Motors Parts and Service
Poster, brochure, and retail display for Hino Motors Parts and Service
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